With four classes to choose from, you’ll have a variety of play styles at your fingertips. Multiplayer is peer-to-peer and allows the use of mods, if all players have the same mods installed. Co-op multiplayer is supported over internet and LAN. New Game Plus - After finishing the game, players will be able to restart with the same character, and monsters will scale to match (or surpass) your level. The three classes from the original Torchlight do not return as playable characters, and are instead presented in the game world as NPCs. Each class has 3 skill trees to choose from which enable customization within each class.

The game features four playable character classes.

Torchlight IIIĪ retirement system was originally planned, similar or identical to the one in the first game, but was replaced with the current New Game Plus mode. Additionally, several elements from the first game return, such as pets (but now with expanded options and basic customization available) and fishing. Players are able to customize character appearance with choice of sex, face, hair style and hair color. Also unlike the first game, some weapons and armor can only be used by certain classes, as opposed to all of them. Other new features include time of day cycles, weather effects, and a redesigned user interface. Torchlight II maintains the same basic gameplay as its predecessor, but features overland areas with multiple hub towns, and a longer campaign. Like the original Torchlight, Torchlight II features randomly generated dungeons for the player to explore, and numerous types of monsters to fight for experience and loot. Driven by a lust for adventure and a savage determination to win fame, fortune, and glory, Berserkers wander the wild places of the world in search of formidable foes, fabulous treasures, and the sheer joy of a worthy challenge. Embermage: The Embermage is a highly trained spell-casting class with elemental attacks. Berserker: The Berserker uses quick attacks and animal-themed special powers, Skill Trees: Hunter, Tundra, Shadow. Outlander: The Outlander is a wandering nomad who uses ranged weapons and “low magic”.Skill Trees: Warfare, Lore, Sigil. Engineer: The Engineer (formerly known as the Railman) is a heavy melee fighter who uses ember-powered steampunk technology.